Infinite Coaching

Our Areas of Support

Discover the comprehensive support we offer to enhance your epilepsy journey. An epilepsy coach can help you in various aspects of life.

Strategies for Seizures

Learn practical techniques to manage seizures effectively, including recognising warning signs, staying calm during a n epileptic seizure, and ensuring safety.

Navigating Change

Embarking on a journey of transformation after an epilepsy diagnosis can be both challenging and empowering. Let's help you navigate life's transitions with resilience and discover the possibilities that lie ahead.

Lifestyle Choices

Receive guidance on making healthy lifestyle choices that complement epilepsy management. Explore the impact of sleep, nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction.

Discussing Sleep

Delve into the connection between sleep and epilepsy. Learn how to establish healthy sleep habits and improve sleep quality to minimise seizure triggers.

Relaxation Techniques

Explore relaxation techniques, meditation, and mindfulness practices to manage stress and anxiety. Develop a toolbox of relaxation strategies for epilepsy.

Pursuing Dreams Despite Epilepsy

Embrace your dreams and aspirations while managing epilepsy. Learn how to overcome challenges and create a fulfilling life.

Developing Positive Mindset

Learn techniques to cultivate a positive mindset and manage emotional challenges related to epilepsy. Embrace resilience and foster a positive outlook.

Exploring Alternative Therapies

Discover alternative therapies, such as energy healing modalities, that complement traditional treatments. Explore their potential benefits for epilepsy management.

Empower Your Epilepsy Journey

Welcome to our  range of services designed to support you on your epilepsy journey. We recognise that epilepsy management is a multifaceted endeavor that requires a holistic approach. We’re here to provide you with a variety of services that cater to your unique needs and empower you to thrive.

 Embracing Diverse Journeys

Epilepsy is a complex condition that manifests uniquely in each individual. While it might often feel like you’re walking this path alone, it’s important to recognise that you’re not isolated in your experiences. Every person’s epilepsy journey is different, shaped by various factors such as the type of epilepsy, triggers, treatment plans, and personal circumstances.

Embracing Our Uniqueness

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that nobody else truly understands your struggles. Yet, the reality is that there’s a community of individuals navigating similar challenges. No two stories are the same, but the common thread is the determination to overcome hurdles and thrive despite epilepsy’s presence.

You’re Not Alone

We understand the isolation that often comes with navigating epilepsy. It’s important to recognise that you’re not alone on this journey. Engaging in discussions with others who have similar experiences can provide validation, comfort, and a renewed sense of empowerment. This connection reminds you that you’re part of a broader network built on strength and resilience.

Holistic Approach


Our one-on-one coaching sessions are personalised to address your specific challenges, goals, and concerns related to epilepsy. We work together to develop strategies that enhance your well-being and help you navigate the complexities of epilepsy management.

Soulful Restoration

Experience the profound effects of soulful restoration, a holistic practice that addresses imbalances in your body’s energy systems. Through remote sessions, we aim to promote harmony, reduce stress, and contribute to your overall sense of well-being.

Our Fees


£ 50
  • We believe in the transformative power of coaching and are committed to providing you with effective strategies, practical tools, and unwavering support as you work towards your goals. .

Soulful Restoration

£ 60
  • We're dedicated to providing you with personalised remote restoration sessions that promote positivity, relaxation, and overall wellness.

Connect with Me through Remote Sessions

We understand that accessibility is important. Our remote sessions ensure that you can receive support from the comfort of your own space. Whether you’re seeking coaching or holistic therapies, we’re here to connect with you virtually.

Get Started

Your epilepsy journey is a shared experience, and we’re here to walk alongside you. Reach out to us to discuss your needs, schedule a consultation, or learn more about how our services can support you. Together, we’ll create a path forward that empowers you to overcome challenges, embrace your potential, and thrive.

Exploring Neurosurgery or VNS?

Speak with A Coach Who’s Walked the Neurosurgery and VNS Journey